On hearing God and the transformation of the mind.
Hearing God is for everyone, especially those of us who are born again. However many Christians are usually seeking out what it means to hear God. I was one of them but here is how I discovered this fascinating thing about hearing about the creator of the universe.
The God in you
The first thing to understand is that when you became born again, God (yes the one who created everything seen and unseen) became one spirit with you. Think about it.... for a moment...... Yes, you are one spirit with him. The Bible says in 1 Corinthians 6:17 that one joined with the Lord is one spirit with him.
The most powerful thing I understood about this is that we ought to understand it as a powerful thing for an infinite being to reside in a finite being and that combination to become a great force.
To hear God, we must know that he is in us and one spirit with us. This creates the very basis of intimacy with him.
Being God conscious
Religion teaches that God is in heaven and that we must go to this building called Church to hear him and we should humble ourselves while there. However, we have learned that we are one spirit with God and this means he lives in us.
Because God lives in us, we should always be conscious that he knows all our thoughts, plans, etc. This means it's easier to communicate with him because he is in you. Halleluyah!. Now you can talk to him in your heart since you know he hears you.
When you are God-conscious, you do things knowing that you are one with God. You walk with confidence that you are backed up by the one who is seated in the highest realm. You go through life with the knowledge that you are not alone. This means you start to live a deliberate life knowing that it's not your own anymore, but it's the Lord's. The Bible is clearly saying now that Christ died for us, we are no longer alive but now live through him.
The word of God is the foundation
To hear God, we must first of all know and understand him by the word. God who is a great author has given us instructions on how to move about this life. The Bible is a manual for human life since it contains God's very own heart.
So to hear God, you must know his word. You must have a deliberate and disciplined life to read God's word every day of your life. Reading more of his words makes his voice clearer to you as you begin to differentiate between him and the other thoughts you have in your mind or even other "noises" from the enemy.
To hear God more clearly in your life, you must cultivate a lifestyle of reading and meditating on his word, daily and regularly.
As you continue on this journey, your thoughts become his thoughts and God begins to be seen in all areas of your life. All your heart's desires begin to get directed by him and since he has the best plans for you, he is always willing to give you the very best if you simply yield to him.
My prayer is that you embark on this journey and keep at it as it creates a deep intimacy with God that gets better as we keep going about this life to the glory of God. AMEN